AUTHOR: Clive BlanchardClive is an expert on achieving home energy efficiency at low cost Archives
January 2025
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Understanding the Best Orientation for a HomeWhen it comes to building a house in Adelaide, the conventional wisdom suggests that facing a home north is the ideal orientation. However, this is not always the case. The shape of a block and the type of home you intend to build are crucial factors that influence the best orientation for a specific situation. By choosing the right orientation for a home, you can reduce costs and enhance comfort. Factors Influencing House OrientationThe Importance of the Block ShapeThe shape and size of a block significantly impact the optimal orientation of a house. For instance, if you have a deep and narrow block, you may be forced to use a different home layout than if you have a wide fronted block. The wider the frontage, the more flexibility you have in designing a home with large windows facing the street or a patio at the back. However wider frontages tend to be more expensive, regardless of whether it is an infill development or a greenfield site. The Type of Home You Want to BuildThe design and layout of a home also play a pivotal role in determining the best orientation. If your house design includes large windows facing the street, a north-facing block may be optimal as it allows for passive solar heating and natural light. However, if you prefer large windows overlooking a backyard patio, a south-facing block might be more suitable. If the block faces south the main windows can face north and open onto the back yard giving a very pleasant aspect. Window Orientation Over Block OrientationWhile the block's orientation is important, it is through how it influences the shape of a house and orientation of the windows and is not inherently important by itself. The placement and size of the windows will determine how much natural light and heat a home receives. For example, if a home has large windows on the front façade and you are building on a wide-fronted block, a north-facing block will maximize sunlight. On the other hand, if the main living areas have large windows facing the backyard, a south-facing block will provide a more comfortable living environment. Deep Blocks and Side WindowsNarrow, but deep blocks present a different set of challenges and opportunities. If the block is deep, you may need to place more windows on the sides of the house to ensure adequate natural light and ventilation. In this case, an east or west-facing block may be the best option. The side windows should ideally primarily face north and give you an opportunity to have a northern courtyard which will be pleasant in summer and winter. Challenging Traditional NotionsTraditionally, west-facing blocks are considered the least desirable due to the intense heat from the afternoon sun. However, this orientation can be advantageous if the front façade of your home is largely a garage. The garage can act as a buffer, protecting the living areas from the harshest sunlight and reducing cooling costs. The garage most importantly reduces the area of windows facing west and hence reduces the building cost required to keep the summer heat out. Maximizing Comfort and EfficiencyBy carefully considering the orientation of the house and windows, you can maximize comfort and efficiency. A well-oriented home will take advantage of natural light, reduce reliance on artificial heating and cooling and create a more pleasant living environment. Reducing Construction CostsChoosing the right orientation can also help reduce construction costs. Properly oriented homes require lower cost windows and window treatments, costing less to construct a 7-star home This can lead to significant savings during the construction process and greater comfort and more light in the home. ConclusionIn conclusion, while north-facing homes are often idealized, the best orientation for your house in Adelaide is not a one-size-fits-all solution. It depends on the shape of your block, the type of home you want to build, and the placement of your windows. By thoughtfully considering these factors, you can create a home that is comfortable, efficient, and cost-effective. Whether you have a wide-fronted block, a deep block, or a narrow block, there is an optimal orientation that will suit your needs and preferences. Embrace the flexibility and design a home that truly works for you and your lifestyle.
To find out how I can help you cost effectively achieve a 7-star energy rating go to Architect and Builder Services. or Contact us
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Free White Paper12/10/2023 Leveraging Energy Advisors for South Australian Builders: A Strategic Approach to Meeting 7-Star Home RequirementsGet your free white paper and ensure you are one of the builders or architects who are ahead of the game and come out of the changes more profitable, not less profitable.
Sign up for our NCC 2022 newsletter and get the white paper.
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Building Green can be affordable7/10/2023
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![]() I am disappointed to learn of further delays in the introduction of 7 star homes to South Australia announced on 24/3/2023. While it is good to have a confirmed date for the implementation of the National Construction Code (NCC 2022) requirements, it is disheartening to hear that we will have to wait until 1 October 2024 before these standards become mandatory. This means that an additional 12,000 South Australian homes will be constructed without the cost-effective improvements that 7 star homes offer, making it difficult to further reduce greenhouse gas emissions in these homes. The building industry has argued that they cannot afford to make the necessary changes at this time, but I believe that these claims are unfounded. The cost increase is less than 1% for a conventional home, and the energy cost savings gained from the changes are greater than the extra cost of the loan. Furthermore, these supply chain disruptions and cost increases are temporary and are expected to dissipate by October 2023, when most other states will begin implementing the changes. While some argue that the industry is not ready for the changes, the fact remains that the deadline was originally set for 1st September 2022, and even those states that are sticking to the agreed timelines will have had 13 months to prepare (longer if you take into account that it was widely disseminated early 2022 that 7 star homes were going to be a requirement). Much of the building industry has spent more time delaying the introduction of these requirements than working on how to implement them. I believe that they will not start seriously addressing the changes needed until a few months before the deadline (for some probably after the deadline), regardless of when it is set. I believe that there is a significant portion of the public who are prepared to build 7 star homes now, given the concerns about rising energy costs. This is an opportunity for progressive builders to get ahead of the curve and start designing and marketing 7 star homes now. Improving home energy efficiency is crucial, as most Australians use more energy for heating than cooling. The peak load in summer may only be for a few hours each day, but in winter, the heating demand is constant and generally consumes more energy. As there is less solar available in winter, unless we can reduce winter energy costs, electricity costs will be driven by winter demand and remain high. Therefore, it is imperative that we act quickly to improve home energy efficiency. To find out how to cost effectively achieve a 7 star energy rating go to Architect and Builder Services.
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Imagine it is September 2023 and you are about to submit a building consent approval, but the client suddenly wants a change, so you won’t be able to submit until October. Not only are you going to have to make the client’s requested change, but you are also going to have to redesign to the new 7-Star NatHERS requirements. If you haven’t already worked out your strategy to achieve economical 7-Star homes, you are likely to be forced to add higher performing windows and additional insulation as they are quick (but expensive) fixes to boost the rating.
We all know that in design, low cost is best achieved at the concept phase when you are talking to the client. If you know what your strategy is going to be, you can ensure that houses you design now, are 7-Star ready. Depending on your target market and the normal standard of construction your clients expect, with a well thought out strategy, the marginal cost can be reduced to a few thousand dollars or even in some cases cost neutral or a saving. To achieve this it is necessary to start from scratch, with a focus on 7-Star construction, rather than taking a six star design and tweaking it. This requires a full understanding of the drivers of 7-Star homes and understand the potential performance solution options. Some additional issues like acoustic requirements (backing on to a noisy road), may mean that both requirements can be achieved for the cost of the acoustic requirements. Start thinking about this now, as October 2023 is only just around the corner. If you are too busy to do the research, contact us to discuss how we can help you develop a cost-effective strategy to give you a marketing advantage. We can also help you develop a list of additional advantages that clients can get from your proposed changes to help with your marketing efforts. To move forward, contact us. |